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Colleen Long Brendon we love you June 27, 2012
Dear Brendan,
 I promised your Mom that we would never forget you, and while that is true it has taken so long for me to come to a place to beable to write this note, you are much missed.... I see your friends when they gather laugh through thier tears at the antics you would pull, I remember a happy handsome young man who went out of his way to make others smile, who took the time with a friends little sister to set her on his lap and help her navigate on the computer, a boy that had a talent for making any woman no matter what her age feel spiecal and one of a kind, you called so many of us mom but only one did you call Mamma, I see her as I drive by your house and want to stop, but don't becaue I can only imagin her pain and do not want to add to it, I found pictures of the R O T C  end of year program last night all of you there, Kristin, Dan, Logan pictures of you all being goofy all so full of life, that is the memory I choose the smiles, the laughter, the promise of what could be, I stop with you there because that is where you are still unjaded still stealing soda from under my bed still being you, I have kept my promise you are not ever forgotten, I know that you know that but your family needs to know as well , we all still think of you, miss you and most of all we wish that your Mamma may find just a few moments of joy and peace with these posts....
Kristin Long
I was just sitten her and I started thinkin of you. Sadly I try not to, only because you were like a big brother to me....I miss you so much. I remember the time you and Logan put the dent in the one of the lockers on the orange carpet. I also remember the time you came over to my house and drank almost all the soda, and passed out on our couch. I makes me smile to think of those times. I miss ya bro, love ya Sparky!
Dear sparky:

I was just sitting here thinking about you which i do often. There has been alot of changes around here. I am getting married next year. We get zaylee every other weekend, and every other holiday. God how i wish you were here to see how beautiful, and how much your god-daughter has grown. She looks more and more like her daddy everyday. It's so cute she will see a picture of jeremy, get this big cheesy grin on her face ( like jeremy does ) and say my daddy clear as day. I wanted to do something good during this holiday season in memory of you so I rang bells for the salvation army to help kids less fortunate have a good christmas. My aunt kathy moved out all the way which i'm glad because she is the reason you couldn't spend the night the night before you left us and went to heaven. Well sweetie i am going to close for now, and take care of some stuff. Remember we will see eachother again someday so save me a spot in that hackey sack game I am sure your playing ok

Love: Sherrill ( Your other mother from another brother )
Marissa Flores
Brendan, you were like a lil brother to me, i always tried to protect you and keep you away from danger.  I love you, always will!  I know your looking down on me!
I was just sitting here thinking about you and how much I miss you and I keep remembering the day you came over and watched The Exorcism of Emily Rose with us and Buddy scared the crap out of you when you were sitting on our bananna chair... Its stuck in my mind, and I can't get it out and I can't figure out why.... I miss you so much brenerz I can't stop thinking about you I wish so bad I knew where you were buried so I could come see you and talk for a while but I coulnd't go to your burial... I love you and I miss you. ~Sara
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